Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Lifting Weights, Lifting Rocks, Strengthening the Brain

At first, one wouldn't associate Feldenkrais with weight lifting, though, if you know me, you might associate the idea I'd go about lifting rocks instead of some bars of metal.

The muscles don't care what you lift.

And the brain likes to do it slowly and with variety.

If you go slow enough and vary the path of lifting enough, and set about using connections to lots of parts of yourself, you can enjoy getting strong, and use rocks, or the shovel as you work: take it easy, make it fun, use your intelligence.

Just go slow.

Have variety.

Keep it easy, not in terms of effort, because going slow can really give you a work out, but keep it easy in terms of skipping the endless reps and the ego necessitated giant loads of weights.

Make it fun.

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