Saturday, October 16, 2010

crazy happy wonderful

this morning I'm off to Austin
to set up a winter practice
in the Anat Baniel Method
and the
Feldenkrais Method

I've reached 200 days of training with Anat post
Feldenkrais training and I'd recommend her
to any practitioner who really wants to dive in
and upgrade their own inner connections
and their

in Austin I plan to work with special needs children
high performing musicians
those recovering from brain injury
and any one "getting up there" in age
who wants to feel happier in mind, body and soul

I look forward to those who want to be happier
in soil

good food is
such a treat
in this short and endless (if present, or
at least timeless)

if you know someone in Austin
I'd like to met,
or vice versa,
let me know

email link: