Friday, January 09, 2015

Now, Nature, and Love-- Day One


They don't give you shit.
They like to eat shit, literally.

They look great, so they give us something to do because think the nonsense we waste our time thinking.

They are what they are.
They don't want to be an elephant, they don't want to be a peony, they don't want to be a tulip.

They just are what they are.

If you love them, they are fine with that.

If you ignore them, they are fine with that.

If you hate them, prune them, ignore them, they are fine with that.

Though they do grow better with fish emulsion and mulch and water.

That we know from paying attention to them.

Practicing attention on plants and flowers and trees and sky might be a nice reminder that Life is happening, and somehow, some way, some miracle, we are right smack dab in the midst of it.

Feels like it to me.

How about you?

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