Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Learning as Transformation vs "Learning" as Dog Training

piglets fooled/ trained to think they are tiger babies, and same with Mom having a tricked perception
I suspect problems down the road if this is in the wild.
How about you?

Dog training really sounds insulting
doesn't it?

Oh, well.

A huge portion of what passes as
even "transformational" work,
is merely this:

helping us go from low grade automatic (i.e. low functioning robot)
to high grade automatic

Untrained dog
to house trained,
or rolling over and sitting on command


Like saying thank you, when presented something
rather than grunting,
a nice shift from low to high grade robot

A definite improvement as for keeping the herd
moving affably,

but to actually sense the object being given
and know one is breathing
and look into the eyes of the giver
and say, "thanks" is that's what's really felt,
or "what a surprise," if that's true,
or "how come this for me now" if that's what's up,
or even, Golly forbid
"No thanks," if that's the present truth
about the presented present in this present moment,

this is to be awake and alive
instead of well trained

same with the "lessons" we present in the Feldenkrais and Anat Baniel world

the reason I find Anat so valuable is that she
doesn't let people forget for a day,
that the lessons are about the client
learning something,
not being given something to do,
but learning,
and that learning is based on the increased perception
of differences

and that if this happens,
the system/ person is a new person
new brain
upgraded for their whole self,
even if the "presenting issue"
isn't fixed yet,

the person is a person with more options,
more awareness,
more connections
and a sense of themselves as a more potent
and amazing being

the amazement
is in discovering all the new possibilities,
including many that don't come up in "lessons."

Wow, sounds like good old fashioned
"learning how to learn,"
but it's not an abstract idea,
it's the brain really have millions of new neurological pathways
at it's disposal
so the person leaving the lesson
isn't the same one who came in

So there

for NOW,

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