Monday, September 26, 2011

Training or Learning// Why parents need to take the lessons

Parents don't need to take the lessons
with every practitioner,
and I'm going to start requiring at least one
full lesson each month
from parents who want deep and amazing changes in
their children.


1. To feel in their bones and nervous system how
Directed/ connected
Discovery movement

can feel so good
and make such a huge difference.

2. To know when they watch their children's lessons that
this is happening.

3. To resist the temptation to move their children
in too big and too strong of movements in an
attempt to "help" at home

4. To get the "soul" benefit from their children being on
the journey they are.
This sort of ease and transformation is something very
few people get to experience and the stress and demands
of parenting are high enough, even with special needs children.
So, it's like the air / oxygen in the airlines.
When in stress, the parent is supposed to take the oxygen first.
Then they can be of real use.

5. To realize over and over and over
that this isn't about "fixing" the child,
it's about learning,
and that we all can learn,
and the perception of differences is how we
and to feel this
and experience this in their bodies
how this work is about:
"making the impossible possible,
the possible easy,
and the easy pleasant."


And getting Anat's back or shoulder or scoliosis DVDs and doing the group
lessons at home is an added treated:
for yourself
and for your improved way of understanding,
and enjoying
your special, special, wonderful child.

Happy Monday.

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