wild Orcas turk ey
thanks to this now
and this next one too
the now
so like the best parent
could ever be
always there for you
you don't need to do anything to deserve it
it's always yours
no one can take it away
no waiting
no stress
the now, like awareness
is always available
in every moment
and is now
or does awareness light
up the now
and without words
and a need for a mental scheme
does it mattter
this present moment
and thanks
for all the moments
this last year
to which we were present
and all the trees birds leaves snails animals
people sunsets music movies books laughter
good food
blah blah
life is good
as good as we let it be
when we stop trying to bully
it into shape
and bully for us
when we try and fail
and then
we put the seed in the ground,
mindfully perhaps,
and water the seed,
mindfully perhaps,
and watch the seed grow to fullness,
over many days,
each day
like each now,
and then
each day being exactly itself
it is finally the big plant with the beautiful
or the yummy food
and we can pick and eat and savor
that food,
just as today we might savor
some food,
mindfully perhaps
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