Saturday, July 21, 2012

Day 21: Suffering and separate; or, at one with our experience

Suffering and separate; or, at one with our experience
that's the choice:
Suffering and separate; or, at one with our experience

that's the mindfulness game today:
trace any and all suffering back
to some "war" with reality

some conflict where our thoughts
and feelings are sure that they are "right"
and reality is "Wrong."

Ah, the "wrong" game.
Making ourselves wrong, making others wrong,
making our past wrong, making our health wrong,
making others' behavior wrong

ah, so long we have played the "you are wrong" game
and today:

feel the effect.
soon, we'll run this through the work of Byron Katie,
but for now,
trace suffering back to a demand that
we be in conflict with reality

And, just to have some nice reading, here's what I woke up early,
and turned the book to in
Adyashanti's wonderful, all inclusive book:
Falling into Grace
(If want to purchase,
here's one way:

Here's the quote:
"One of the curious reasons why ego always
brings us back to suffering,
is that our ego has to be in some
resistance to what is.

Otherwise our sense of separation begins to dissolve,
we move from our head into our heart,
and go from a place where we think we know
to a very soft space in the heart

From the egoic point of view
it's vital we remain in conflict to some extent,
and that's why,
when we look at the world around us,
we see so much conflict among human beings"

good, eh?

and don't believe it,
(for the rest of our lives):
all suffering is a demand
of the ego,
that we are obeying,
for separation and conflict with What Is

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